Thursday, May 3, 2012

Greens, Greens, Greens


Yikes, that's a whole lotta greens goin' on! As excited as I was to start eating fresh vegetables again, this list made me just a little hesitant. With a million things to do and more added every day, I was getting anxious just looking at this list, thinking, "too much green stuff to figure out - what happened to the juice - that was easy, just drink". Luckily, Joe was there with a couple of delicious recipes to make my life just a little easier. 

 In a beautiful new cooking space, he whipped up a chive pesto and a sorrel risotto...
The risotto was just amazing - and simple too. That is, if stirring at the stove for about a half and hour doesn't send you running to the phone to order in. For me, it was relaxing. All that stirring meant I was only doing one thing at a time, as opposed to the five that it seemed like I was doing all week.

The recipes can be found on The Garden of Ideas site.

I also used the sorrel in scrambled eggs, just add when the eggs are about half way done, cooking slowly. I love the Asian greens in salad - just a bit adds a real spicy kick to a basic salad. 

Happy cooking!!


  1. I'm really into greens, too, since becoming vegan. So yummy even just steamed. A little miso paste or dijon mustard is good on them.

  2. It's very cool (and useful!) that they have a cooking space now. How convenient to show you what to do with some of the greens. I bet you will learn new recipes even with the vegetables you know by heart!
