Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Share Week 3

I finally picked up this weeks share, after the rain had stopped enough for me to get from the car to the stand and back again without getting totally drenched. About all I could do with them was to store them, as we were leaving for a weekend away.

Now that we are back, I have 4 days to use up all of this produce. We are having dinner at the beach tonight, so I think I will make a salad using the lettuce, pea shoots and beets. Yes, I chose the beets, primarily because of what they look like inside . They are Chioggia beets and look amazing. Thanks to the Garden of Ideas blog, not only do I get the history of this colorful beet, but a recipe for a chocolate - beet cake, which is about the only way I will be able to get my family to eat them!!

With Ariana off for the summer, I think we will be making this tomorrow...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

While waiting for it to stop raining long enough for me to get to the stand for this week's share, I figured I would make an omelet with some chopped garlic scapes, to be accompanied by the ever popular radish on french bread.

And no, that is not a mimosa, but some Apricot Stomp mixed with sparkling water. However, if this rain doesn't let up, I will move on to something stronger..

Monday, June 20, 2011

Putting This Week's Share to Good Use

The tomato topped bruschetta was great, even if we had to eat it inside, as the rain, thunder and lighting didn't let up until after dark. It would have been a little better had I not realized the bread was as close to the broiler as it was. In my opinion, a little charing adds just adds another level of flavor.

I also threw some chopped scapes into the sauteed shrimp, which was then served on a bed of lettuce. Turned into a perfect summer meal..

Saturday morning, a request for pancakes was made, so I thought I would utilize some of the half and half in place of the buttermilk I usually use in the batter. Luckily, I had all of the other ingredients on hand, so I didn't have to make any emergency trips to the store.  Topped with strawberries and some left over maple syrup, they made a delicious treat.

I usually make many more than we can eat, so the rest are comfortably in my freezer, ready to heat up the next time I hear "can I have pancakes?"

Saturday night was a beautiful one, so we made our way down to the beach to grill some burgers- a new bunch of  bruschetta made it down with us and was a bit hit..

We stopped at the Garden of Ideas on Sunday to replenish our supply of scapes - definitely want to try making the pesto. We ran into Joe and almost got ran over by Ilsa in the jeep, perhaps rushing home to finish Joe's Father's Day lunch? Slowly getting to know them, visiting with them a few minutes when we stop by, or running into them at the beach or the green market in town, has most definitely been an added bonus to our CSA membership.

I am always full of wonder every time I stop by the stand and take a few minutes to walk the property. Every week brings new blooms in the garden - it's like visiting for the first time. Except now, Ariana runs right to the rope swing and shyly looks around for is becoming as popular with her as it is with me.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Garlic Scapes???????? (Summer Share Week 2)

 I have to admit I was intrigued. A big garlic fan, these curly green stems with a sense of humor got me wondering. It seems the funny looking greenery have quite a following. People like me, who got them in a share package and were initially suspicious, were convinced of their deliciousness after trying them.

Garlic Scape pesto, dips and soups all sound appetizing. Today, I thought I would start simple, chopping a few into some cut up tomatoes and scallions for a topping for the bread I plan on grilling at the beach tonight.

It smells great and the combination of fresh tomatoes and subtle garlic is yummy. All I need now is for it to stop raining!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Taste Test

Earlier in the week, I bought some tomatoes - "vine ripened tomatoes", nicely attached to their vines. Having received 2 lovely farm grown specimens yesterday, I thought I would do a little taste test. The fact that I actually had this idea means I have made great progress in my ability, and even desire, to eat tomatoes. For those who have been reading this blog, my history with this "is it a fruit, is it a vegetable?", is fraught with cellophane packages of sickly and tasteless orbs.

 Here are the two specimens. One - watery, both in consistency and taste, the other - firm, tasty, with a real tomato taste. I tried a slice of each alone, and then with some fresh mozzarella. Arny walked in as I was experimenting and without knowing which one was which, pronounced the "vine ripened" one as tasteless as I had.

Which is which???

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Oh the Excitement - Week 1 Summer Share

After a long week with no share, I was thrilled to be heading back to the Garden of Ideas today for the start of the summer season. And boy was it summer - 91 degrees on the thermometer!!

Cars filled the parking lot as this group is much larger than the spring share. Almost immediately, I ran into a friend who was there for the first time to pick up her allotment.

This week is filled with some familiar and welcome items. I chose the baby kale over the turnips, not because I have anything against them (ok, maybe a little - other than in soup, what do you do with them??), but I wanted to try making kale chips, which everyone tells me my daughter will love.

Tonight, the choice of salad greens is the only decision I will have to make as we will be making a meal of some leftover pizza. I'm just not sure I want to turn on the oven to heat it up. Luckily, everyone in my house likes cold pizza.....
